IDFA Works with NCIMS to Avert Potential Trade Issue with EU

US - Working closely with the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS), IDFA has helped to develop a new international certification program that will avert trade action from the European Union (EU).
calendar icon 13 November 2006
clock icon 1 minute read
The new program will allow third-party certifiers to verify that overseas dairy facilities meet Grade A certification standards so they can export Grade A dairy products to the United States.
"IDFA staff has been instrumental in working as part of the NCIMS committee, specifically helping to draft the third-party certifier application," said Clay Hough, IDFA senior vice president. "We believe the pilot program will provide a positive step forward for the global dairy industry, and it will help to facilitate trade and avoid unnecessary trade action."

European dairy companies have struggled to gain Grade A certification, which is required by the NCIMS Grade A milk program and the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance before companies can export Grade A-type (fluid milk and cultured) dairy products to the United States. As a result, the EU had threatened to bring trade action against NCIMS through the World Trade Organization.

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