MLA AGM proxy deadline looming

Meat & Livestock Australia members who can’t make it to Adelaide for the MLA Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 22 November are being urged to submit their proxy forms.
calendar icon 13 November 2006
clock icon 2 minute read
Proxy forms have to be submitted no later than 2pm (Adelaide time) on Monday 20 November.

MLA Chairman Don Heatley encouraged all members – cattle, sheep and goat producers – to have their say and vote.

“It is important MLA members have a say in their company and I encourage all members to cast their vote, either in person at the AGM in Adelaide or by proxy,” Mr Heatley said.

“Voting packs were sent to all MLA members last month and included in it are the details of the resolutions being put forward at the AGM.”

A producer forum will be held prior to the AGM, where livestock producers will have the opportunity to hear first-hand about the latest market trends, research results and red meat marketing initiatives. The producer forum will also provide details of Meat & Livestock Australia programs and the company’s key outcomes from the past year.

The forum will begin at 9am (Adelaide time) and will be followed by the MLA AGM at 2pm. Registrations will begin at 8am.

The producer forum will also feature a special guest appearance from Sam Kekovich, the star of MLA’s Australia Day lamb campaigns. Sam will be sharing with attendees his unique outlook on Australian culture and society in his usual bold but light-hearted manner.

Both the forum and AGM are being held at the Shores Function Complex on the corner of Hamra Avenue and Military Road, West Beach.

The forum is free to attend, with morning tea and lunch provided at no cost. A barbecue dinner will follow the AGM in the afternoon.

For more information on completing and returning proxy forms MLA members should call 1800 550 060. News Desk
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