Rigel heifer tops Salers Premier Sale

UK - The annual Premier Sale of Salers cattle saw continuing strong demand for commercial and pedigree stock from a packed sale ring at Wallets’ Mart, Castle Douglas on Saturday (4/11/06).
calendar icon 6 November 2006
clock icon 2 minute read
Rigel Hector
Malcolm Pye walking Rigel Hector

There was widespread agreement that the quality of the cattle was better than ever, and this was reflected in a significant increase in the overall average for the pedigree Salers to £2167 (+£902). The top priced bull made 4000 guineas and was from Salers Society Chairman, Dennis Rogers.

Rigel Pedigree, who breed Salers at Middleton-on-Leven, Yarm, achieved the top price for a female for the second year in succession with the 17 month heifer, Rigel Petra, who sold for 2200 guineas to Eric Graham from the Shetland Isles. Petra is by their imported French stock bull, Sagitaire. Rigel had entered six heifers, all of which were sold, averaging 1883 guineas. These were the subject of particular interest, as they were all in calf to Rigel bred polled Salers bulls. Breeding naturally polled cattle is being increasingly recognised as necessary from an animal welfare and labour saving point of view, and Rigel Pedigree were the only breeder to enter cattle to the sale carrying the poll factor.

Rigel Petra
Rigel Petra

In the pre-sale show, Rigel Petra was placed third in the junior heifer class, just behind second placed Rigel Hetty, who was later sold to a Northern Ireland breeder. In the senior heifer class, Rigel Brigitte was placed second. Sagitaire son, Rigel Hector was third in the senior bull class, and his full brother, Rigel Homer took first place in the junior bull class. Hector later sold for 2700 guineas, and Homer for 2600 guineas.

Most of the bulls buyers are using Salers bulls to breed commercial suckler replacements because of the Salers unique combination of easy calving, milkiness and high growth rates which combine to produce outstanding suckler cows.

Averages: 14 heifers £1703 (+£811), 19 bulls £2509 (+£696), overall £2167 (+902).

The Parade

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